Her Two Kinds of Light【電子書籍】[ Susan K. Coleman ]

<p>Singer/songwriter E.P. James had been appearing regularly throughout the Hudson Valley and New York City, where his performances garnered him praise in the music press and a growing, loyal following. After many such shows at festivals and in small clubs, he begins to notice a strange glow within his audience, often hovering in one spot, at other times moving slowly throughout the darkened rooms. E.P is perplexed when he discovers that his lighting engineer, band, and roadies have never witnessed the glow. As the light’s frequency and intensity increase, so do his concerns about where it’s coming from and why he seems to be the only person who can see it. His search for its source leads him to Gloria Grayson.</p> <p>Glory's greatest passion is music, but even she is unaware that the joy she feels when watching E.P. James in concert has taken on visible form. What at first creates a unique and thrilling bond between fan and artist eventually threatens their relationship, E.P.'s career, and even Glory's life.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。


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