One Thousand Years The Bright Side of Prophecy【電子書籍】[ David Coleman ]

<p>Imagine Jesus ruling over a kingdom that encompasses the entire planet with no one denying that Christ is God. Perfect justice will prevail throughout the world, and any rebellion will draw quick retribution. Righteousness will triumph over evil everywhere, and God’s glory will extend from Jerusalem to the ends of the earth.</p> <p>The greatest thing about the above scenario is that it is true! Yet, because many sermons and Bible studies on prophetic subjects tend to focus upon darker events foretold in Scripture, most believers know little about it.</p> <p>Handed pen and paper, many believers could probably write out relatively well-informed descriptions of end-time topics such as the Tribulation, the Antichrist, and the Battle of Armageddon, but ask them to describe the Millennium and many would respond with a blank stare. If that describes you, this book will fill you in on the bright future that awaits you.</p> <p>One Thousand Years provides an overview of Christ’s glorious earthly kingdom and explains why its literal fulfillment is guaranteed in Scripture.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。


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